Can the beauty of the wind in the trees issue from printed page?
I will publish things that catch the eye, whisper in the mind. Often small things, that might otherwise pass unnoticed; sometimes large things, that can (like the wind) only be partially apprehended or understood, but which may nevertheless make themselves intimately felt through a modest, elegantly produced publication.
There will be words and pictures of all kinds; often combined, but not necessarily. On occasion even music or sound might play a part. I will approach friends and admired strangers and invite them to publish something with me that perhaps they have found no other way of sharing with the world.
I also offer to commemorate exhibitions, events or other temporary or delicate creations or findings which might not otherwise be ‘catalogued’ or preserved.
Type slowly
One of us is a cigar stand
And one of us is a lovely blue incandescent guillotine
steven malkmus1966–Pavement
There is no strict programme, but a steady stream of publications is planned, and as soon as something makes enough sense to be described, details will appear here.
Occasionally something will happen very quickly and will appear for sale with little warning. Such publications will be known as f l y l e a v e s and will often be particularly small and inexpensive.
If you would like to be kept up to date about new or forthcoming publications, please sign up here.